FDM is a membership organization that represents Danish car owners to make their lives as drivers easier, cheaper, and more fun.

What story did FDM want to tell?
The older generation knows and loves the FDM flagship publication, the car magazine Motor. And the FDM car insurance is one of the most popular in Denmark. Yet, FDM wanted to become more relevant with a younger target audience, including families with children. They needed to revitalize their core brand to engage a new audience and make them understand and appreciate the value of being a member of FDM.

How did we tell the story?
We put consumers right into challenging scenarios that any driver wants to avoid in order to showcase the value of an FDM membership. More than just another car insurance company, we portrayed FDM as the hero that gets you out of any kind of car trouble.


Print, SoMe, film, radio, outdoor, and display banners.